Aptus Fungone 1l
Aptus Fungone 1l - an effective agent against problems associated with fungi, bacteria and viruses. It does not harm plants or inhibit their growth processes. Many farmers wait too long to solve the mold problem, reaching for pesticides that are dangerous to human health and the environment. It is recommended to use Fungone as a preventive measure to avoid loss of plant quality.
Fungone effectively neutralizes harmful fungi, infections and viruses, which is important especially when growing outdoors. Its formulation is based on a patented formula with hydrogen peroxide, which is 100 times more potent than standard hydrogen. The addition of colloidal silver supports plant health.
Application and dosage:
Fungone is ready-to-use and should be sprayed directly on the plant. For larger areas, it is advisable to use a concentrate that can be diluted with water. Be sure to wear proper protective gear and turn off the lights when applying the product.
- Prevents fungal, viral and infection problems
- Prevents budrot and mold, cleans plant leaves
- Non-toxic and leaves no residue in the plant
- adjuvant for maximum results
- Fungone concentrate is economical to use
Tips and Tricks:
- Avoid applying Fungone when the light is on to avoid burning the
- leaves
- Drops of the product on the leaves increase light intensity
- You can apply Fungone directly or dilute it with water
- Proportions for diluting the concentrate: 200 ml of Fungone per 800 ml of water per liter of solution