Drying hemp - curring in a jar
All growers love the moment when the day of harvest has finally arrived and the crop can be cut, but that's not the end of the work on the plant! After all, we want every process to be as fruitful as possible, and thanks to good curing, we can extract the best flavor and aroma from the plant.
Before curing:
Before you start curing, the plants should be properly dried. After cutting and removing the leaves (we dry only the flowers), depending on the size of the crop, the plants will spend about 7 days in a box (e.g. a shoe box), a paper bag (never plastic!), a cell, or another room with good air circulation. Afterwards, you can transfer them to jars. Remember to stir the bunches once a day and check for mold. Remember that after cutting, the plants must avoid light, especially sunlight. Light “kills” THC.
When the branches of the plants snap under the pressure of your fingers, it means that you can move on to the next step. Tear the buds off the twigs and place them in jars (filling the jar up to 2/3).
When curing:
it is best if the jars do not have metal or plastic lids; large-opening glass jars with rubber seals are ideal
open the jars once a day for about an hour
check daily (once or twice) if any of the jars have mold; if so, get rid of the infected parts. Repackaging them in a different way than before helps the curing process even more.
Pay close attention to the humidity in the jars. This is a key issue. To control it, it is a good idea to use special humidity regulators dedicated to curing (e.g. Integra Boost available on our website).
Take care of the temperature, the room where curing takes place should be between 10 and 24 degrees.
After a few weeks in the jar, the herb is already properly “cured”, but some people prefer to let the curing process last even longer. The longer the whole process takes, the smoother the smoking experience will be. By the way, you can always smoke one bud to see if the rest of the harvest is ready. A longer curing period is not harmful, as long as you check your harvest for mold several times a week.
By following the tips above, your little ones will be perfectly pampered at the end of the day, and it will definitely pay off!
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